Plans & Pricing
Be a Member
Your membership fees will help us run the community platform with focus on creating delightful experiences for you; without having to sell your data or displaying advertisements everywhere.
We have affordable subscription plans that give back more than what you pay.
Select Plan that’s right for you
Activity Feeds
Share your Content
Live Sessions
Private Messaging
Add-On Purchases
30 minutes
One-on-One Consultation-
Choice of website platform, web hosting, software tools, monetization & more
1 hour
One-on-One Consultation-
Product, growth, marketing, team building, automation & more
Got Questions?
Why is it a paid membership?
It costs us in terms of technology and people to run the community. Instead of selling data or running behind advertisers we choose to charge membership fee for the services we provide
Do you have a free trial?
However we charge monthly and you can cancel your membership anytime.
Do you store my credit card details?
We do not directly store your credit card details. Stripe, our payment gateway service provider will store your card details at their end and charge automatically for the subscription.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, you can cancel the membership anytime from your account page without even having to contact us.
I have more questions, can you help me?
Off-course, we are here to answer any questions you might have. Just contact us.